First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Which DREAM School course(s) or programming are you interested in?
DREAM School's Elder Council will take your interest into consideration when determining if your are ready to join DREAM School
Level 0 - Embodied Consent
Level 1 - EQUINOX Dreaming Awake
Level 2 - Lexicon Building and Shedding
Level 2 - CARRY: Black Lullaby Tradition
KindeziCare for families, youth and caregivers
SAGE House Artist RESTidency
Spirit Tech Fellowship
Dream Magic Personal & Professional Development
Community Ritual
Medicinal Archive
Why are you interested in learning about ancestral dream practices?
What is your relationship to Africa, South America, or people Indigenous to North America? Where are your people from?
Are your current needs for access to housing and food being met?
What is yearly combined household income?
What is your current budget for services?
Check all that apply.
$0-$55 (one time or monthly payment)
$55-111 (one time or monthly payment)
$111-555 (one time or monthly payment)
$555-$1,111 (one time or monthly payment)
$1,111-2,222 (payment plans available)
$2,222-5,555 (payment plans available)
$5,555-11,111+ (payment plans available)
Do you have a Health Savings Plan / Flex Pay account?
What is your current spiritual practice?
How do you learn best? What is your experience with online learning?
Do you have time and emotional-mental space for deep introspection?
How did you find out about DREAM School?
Anything else you'd like to share or ask?